A Platform Where Writers And Readers Meet

Book A Writer / Our Writers

Verena Tay



For over twenty-five years, Verena Tay has acted, directed and written for local English-language theatre in Singapore, working for companies such as The Necessary Stage, ACTION Theatre, TheatreWorks and Practice Theatre. A storyteller and a presentation skills and creative writing teacher, she has written plays and short stories, as well as edited twelve short story anthologies. Possessing Masters degrees in English Literature, Voice Studies and Creative Writing, she is currently pursuing PhD studies in Creative Writing at Swansea University.


  • 2016 – Spaces: People / Places
    (Singapore: Math Paper Press, 2016)

  • 2016 – The Car and Other Plays
    (Singapore: Math Paper Press, 2016)

  • 2012–2016 – The Balik Kampung anthology series (editor)
    (Singapore: Math Paper Press, 2012–2016)

  • 2012 – Spectre: Stories from Dark to Light
    (Singapore: Math Paper Press, 2012)

  • 2011 – In the Company of Heroes
    (Singapore: Math Paper Press, 2012)

  • 2004 – In the Company of Women: Selected Plays (Singapore: SNP Editions, 2004)


  • 2018 – Writer-in-Residence at Nanyang Technological University

  • 2017 – The Car and Other Plays included as a part of the Ministry of Education’s list of recommended texts for the Lower Secondary English Literature curriculum

  • 2007 – Honorary Fellow at the International Writing Program, University of Iowa


upper sec., junior college; 5-25 pax
3 hours per session; single session
Technical Rider: Two spaces must be provided that are adjacent to each other. The first is where the students will sit and write and view instructions from a PowerPoint presentation. The second space must be free and not filled with furniture, yet large enough for all the students to do physical movement.
This workshop will explore the art of crafting unique and memorable characters that can resonate with readers. Drawing on the techniques of theatre and drama, students will step into the shoes of their characters and embody their actions and emotions, gaining a deeper understanding of their motivations and fears and how these traits can be conveyed through body language, voice modulation, and facial expressions. Students will also learn how to translate these characteristics onto paper through descriptive writing techniques and exercises. By the end of the workshop, students will be able to create three-dimensional and believable characters which are not only memorable but also capable of evoking strong emotions in their readers.
Learning Outcomes:
Utilising drama and theatre techniques, the process of physically embodying characters to then be translated onto the 2D plane of the page will enable the refinement of students' creativity and imagination, which will then better attune them to effective methods of captivating and well-rounded storytelling.

secondary; junior college; 5- 25 pax
Availability: 2 hours per session; single session
Technical Rider: The facilitator’s laptop must be given access to the school’s wireless network to show relevant Youtube videos.
Description: In Singapore, we are surrounded by greenery and have ready access to parks and nature reserves where we can interact with plants, and sometimes, native wild animals. This workshop will help students express their personal experiences and thoughts about local flora and fauna in words, styles and techniques that are beyond the usual scope of argumentative essays typically taught as part of the school curriculum. Hence this workshop is an introduction on how to approach creative non-fiction writing using Singapore’s natural ecosystem as a subject matter.
Learning Outcomes: Through this creative non-fiction workshop, students will experiment with, and gain insights about, at least some of the following: journalling, descriptive writing, show-not-tell, character development, creating scenes and dialogue, and point-of-view.

For: upper sec., junior college; 5-20 pax
Availability: 3 hours per session; single session
Description: Writers are often stuck when trying to show how their characters interact and speak with one another in a way that seems authentic and allows the plot to unfold plausibly. In this workshop you will learn how to craft credible dialogue that propels your story forward. Workshops may be geared towards either fiction or playwriting.
Learning Outcomes: how to craft credible dialogue; gain practical tips on how to create naturalistic sounding dialogue.
Eligible for Tote Board Arts Grant Subsidy

For: upper sec., junior college; 5-20 pax
Availability: 3 hours per session; single session
Description: When writing a story, do you face problems in creating a vivid and plausible environment for your characters to inhabit? If so, then this workshop is for you. Not only will you gain tips on how to bring alive settings that you are familiar with, you will also gain some pointers on how to venture into the unknown and develop imaginary or historical settings that are beyond your everyday experience. By the end of the workshop, you will be better equipped to bring your readers into the various universes of your imagination.
Learning Outcomes: writing vivid settings; develop imaginary/historical settings through research and writing exercises.

secondary, junior college
Availability: 2 - 3 hrs per session; single session
Description: Wanting to write fiction, but don’t know how to start? Already creating stories, but having trouble condensing your thoughts down succinctly? Or do you simply want to try your hand at developing extremely short stories? Brevity will guide you on how to handle characterisation, conflict, story arc, pace, etc. within a tight word count and engage your reader more effectively.
Learning Outcomes: understand the elements of fiction and flash fiction., examine some approaches/styles that writers have used in flash fiction, create your own 6-word story, 3-line novel and other types of flash fiction.


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Book A Writer is Sing Lit Station's workshop-for-schools programme, featuring a roster of Singapore's most important writers at work today. *Do you want to Book A Writer? For enquiries on Verena Tay's availability and workshop rates in Sing Lit Station's Book A Writer programme, do fill in the form below.