A Platform Where Writers And Readers Meet

Book A Writer / Our Writers

Judith Huang



Judith Huang is the author of the Epigram Books Fiction Prize shortlisted novel Sofia and The Utopia Machine. Winner of the Foyle Young Poet of the Year in 2001, 2003 and 2004, she holds a A.B. in English from Harvard University. Her work has been published in Prairie Schooner, Asia Literary Review, QLRS, Cha and anthologies in Singapore and abroad. 


  • 2018 – Sofia and the Utopia Machine (Epigram Books, 2018)


  • 2017 – Epigram Books Fiction Prize shortlist

  • 2004, 2003, 2002 – Foyle Young Poet of the Year winner


For: all students; 10-25 pax
Availability: 3 hours per session; single session
Description: The Hero’s Journey is an idea based on mythologist Joseph Campbell’s work on extracting the essence of a hero’s stages through a story. It’s based on his seminal work The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Judith used this idea in crafting the story of Sofia and the Utopia Machine, her novel. 
Learning Outcomes: understanding Carl Jung’s Hero’s Journey and how you can use it to craft a satisfying story; understanding the underlying patterns in mythology, modern film and narrative literature

For: all students; 10-25 pax
Availability: 3 hours per session; single session
Description: The art of world-building involves creating a setting for your story that is internally consistent, compelling and has great detail. It convinces the reader that your story happens in a real world. The world you set your story in may exist in real life or be completely fantastical –either way, a writer will need to give it the texture of a real place. For the purposes of this workshop we’ll be focusing on science fiction (futuristic) and fantasy worlds. 
Learning Outcomes: understanding how setting is necessary in any work of fiction; how to build credible worlds to set your stories in 

For: all students; 10-25 pax
Availability: 3 hours per session; single session
Description: How do you start writing a novel? In this workshop you will learn about the Snowflake Method, in which you start with a one-sentence summary of your plot, expand it to five sentences, expand five sentences to five paragraphs, expand five paragraphs to five scenes, etc etc until you get a whole story! This workshop teaches writers how to get started on writing a complex and satisfying plot for their novel. 
Learning Outcomes: how to conceptualise and plot a novel using the Snowflake Method; how to write a novel using this method; understanding the differences between “plotting” and “pantsing” 


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Book A Writer is Sing Lit Station's workshop-for-schools programme, featuring a roster of Singapore's most important writers at work today. *Do you want to Book A Writer? For enquiries on Judith Huang's availability and workshop rates in Sing Lit Station's Book A Writer programme, do fill in the form below.